
Theresa – Switzerland – 8 February 2020

Hello Yes, these Functional State Correctors are really a wonderful gift. Many thanks to the brilliant scientist, Mr. Koltsov. He’s absolutely right in recommending to start with the basic set.

In my experience, toxins and the viruses/bacteria and parasites living on them are the most significant health problem of humankind. Probably 3-4 Koltsov plates of the Basic Set have to be used over many months, which I will test each time. I did my training in Munich a good 30 years ago.

Now I can observe that all these germs are becoming more resistant from month to month and can hardly be influenced by the appropriate natural means. This means therapies over several months, sometimes years.

During this therapy time, people are mostly newly infected (Borrelia/cocci and many more). So today it is almost impossible to be toxin and parasite-free.

Here is the case of 3 clients, who were affected by the germs mentioned, already had 6-12 months of therapy. The bacteria were fully present at the beginning of the treatment with the Functional state collectors!

With the application of No. 1 and No. 5, one of the three women got heat surges in the areas affected by coccus (bladder). Afterwards, the bacteria could no longer be detected!

Before I have used the remedy treatment that is associated with high costs because the remedies had to be taken in higher and higher doses to eliminate these germs for many months. Another problem that

I had to deal with is the elimination of toxic waste. To create the conditions where the germs are simply no longer comfortable is a wonderful way to treat the problem. The FSCs allow to do that!

On top of it I have incredible success with the FSC Flora and Fauna when I used it for one of my two cats. This Koltsov plate lies under the pillow of their resting place. Both cats drink structured water, and their almost daily vomiting was no longer an issue from day one of use of this FSC.

The second, very fit cat uses this resting place at every opportunity, which is only the case since the installation of the FSC flora and fauna. Therefore, I have now ordered another Koltsov plate to keep both cats in optimal health.

I am extremely excited to see what further experiences I will make. I am an absolute newcomer, and yet I have already had these beautiful results.

TOLSTOV A.N., bioenergy therapist, Saint Petersburg

“I was using FSC 16 “Anti-Stress”, and the only time I’d ever felt such a huge amount of energy overflowing from my body was when I had been in a state of trance. This energy was everywhere. My sensitivity level increased at least 7 times. I think this corrector must work on the areas responsible for extra sensory perception.”

SIOMINA M.l., dentist, Saint Petersburg

“A 40-year-old man suffering from infantile cerebral palsy took part in our trials. He was in a state of stress and showed signs of tiredness due to a lack of energy. When we gave him water to drink that had been structured using FSC n°15 “Rejuvenation”, an improvement in all aspects of his state was observed. With regard to general functional status: improved health, increased potential energy, activation of the body’s self-regulating mechanisms. Psychological and emotional benefits: fewer signs of tiredness and irritability.”

ROUSSAK I. Y., doctor and physiotherapist, Saint Petersburg

“The new 5th element-strengthened FSC n°14 “Golden Pyramid” is very effective in correcting the human bio-energy field. When “KANO” software was used for diagnosis, five people were found to be suffering from “vampire” type bio-energy field disorders. After applying FSC n°14 on the solar plexus and the “Spiritual Healing” exclusive corrector under the coccyx, no signs of “vampirism” were observed, and the inner state of these patients was corrected.”

TROKHATCHEV Y.S., paediatric neurologist, Saint Petersburg

“FSC n°13 “Healthy Intellect” helps to restore muscle tone more quickly, especially for children suffering from loss of tone in postural muscles. The 5th element-strengthened FSC n°13 works even more effectively, especially for people suffering from chronic illnesses of the spinal column and the musculoskeletal system. Even creams which have been structured using the 5th element-strengthened FSC n°13 are much more effective in changing local electromagnetic composition.”

POLYNSKAIA I.V., haematologist, Saint Petersburg

“After using the 5th element -strengthened corrector n°12 “Healthy Sleep”, I noticed the photo of my aura becoming lighter until it was white, the size of the aura had increased and the activity of the bio-energy field had changed. My dreams took on very bright colours and they became positive. The FSC restored a healthy and good quality sleep. Now I wake up well rested and in a good mood.”

TARASSOVA L.A., cancerologist, Orenburg

“A 37-year-old man, a long-term sufferer from dipsomania, took part in our experiment. He started using FSC n°11 “Healthy Lifestyle”. He drank structured water, carried the corrector continually on his person, put it under his pillow at night and fixed it on the tap when he took a shower. And the corrector produced some stunning results! The patient no longer has attacks of dipsomania, his sleep has improved, he is less aggressive and his liver pains have disappeared. Now he has stopped drinking alcohol altogether.”

NEYMATOV E.M., doctor, osteopath and professor, Moscow

“A patient suffering from chronic coxarthrosis (or arthrosis of the hip) used the 5th element-strengthened FSC n°10 “Healthy Joints” for a week. We observed a great improvement: the patient regained her mobility and had less pain.”

ARTIOMOVA N.E., rheumatologist, physiotherapist and lecturer in general medicine and endocrinology at the Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg

“The new version of corrector n°9 “Healthy Heart” works more gently and more effectively than the old version. The people who used it are long-term sufferers of cardiovascular diseases. But after treatment with this FSC, we were able to observe normal levels of blood pressure in these patients. Now they are relaxed again.”

KOUZNETSOVA N. K., anaesthetist, Moscow

“An 11-year-old child had behavioural problems at school, he couldn’t concentrate on his lessons and had low marks. For 9 days we used the 5th element-strengthened “Healthy Generation” corrector. The child has become more hardworking, more attentive, his school marks have improved and his behaviour has been corrected.”

POLTAVSKI L.I., dermatologist, venereologist, psychiatrist and toxicologist, Moscow

“The “Male Amulet” FSC protects against the negative influences of bad company, when adolescents who are under peer pressure start smoking and drinking energising drinks. This corrector ensures protection against this type of addiction.”

MITINA G.P, dowsing specialist, consultant in diagnostic methods using “KANO” software, Orenburg

“The 5th element “Female Amulet” corrector is several times quicker than its predecessor. It regulates and stabilises the psychic state of women and protects our aura. In addition, this FSC works positively on our ancestral programmes. This is why I recommend it to all women, to all mums, to all sisters.”

DIDKOVSKAÏA T.N., doctor and physiotherapist, Ulyanovsk

“Apart from the fact that the 5th element-strengthened “Success” corrector contributes to a person’s self-realisation and success in all aspects of life, it produces positive effects on health. This corrector lowers the person’s biological age and improves the state of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.”

NOVOSSIOLOVA N.G., general practitioner, Tyumen

“Our research group was asked to test the 5th element-strengthened correctors “Love” and “Harmony”. Before, during trials with the old version of the FSC, we observed an average increase in general body tone of 11 units, but after trials with 5th element-strengthened FSC, the general tone increased on average to 43 units.”

KOULIKOVA I. S., paediatrician, Saint Petersburg

“During trials of the 4 element-strengthened “Longevity” FSC, we observed a considerable improvement in the state of the heart, the blood vessels, the veins, the liver, the pancreas, the skin and the hair. Tests using the 5th element-strengthened FSC completed this list of positive effects with the improvement of the state of the lungs, the thyroid gland, the surrenal glands and the blood.”

ABRAMIAN T. V., general practitioner, homeopathist, cosmetologist, Kazan

“I had the good fortune to be able to test two 5th element-strengthened correctors: n°6 “Skin Health” and n°8 “Night Formula”. Two women (53 and 46 years old) took part in the trial for 10 days. The two patients had skin problems linked to age and hyperpigmentation. The 5th element-strengthened FSC revealed their remarkable ability to resolve these problems quickly and effectively. In the areas where there had been hyperpigmentation, the patients’ skin became lighter, and their complexion, as well as the firmness of their skin, improved. The wrinkles became less deep. The two women were thrilled with the very quick results of the treatment. The 5th element-strengthened correctors n° 6, 7 and 8 represent a real alternative to cosmetic surgery.”

POLTAVSKI L. I., dermatologist, venereologist, psychiatrist and toxicologist, Moscow

“A man who uses FSC n°4 which is not 5th element-strengthened is a soldier, whereas a man using the 5th element-strengthened FSC n° 4 is a major, a commander-in-chief who not only has physical force but also a powerful intellectual potential, and who is capable of guiding and leading others. The new version of FSC n°4 “Man Health” is an irreplaceable device for the training of sportsmen and for people who practise dangerous leisure pursuits, because it increases muscle mass, facilitates stress resistance, helps better management of effort and gives protection against non-justified risks.”

YERCHOV S. E., doctor and naturopath, Moscow

“We started using 5th element-strengthened FSC n°1 on a patient in phase 4 of cancer of the lymphatic system with many metastases in the brain, the liver, the spinal column and the small pelvis organs. After a few days of treatment, we were able to observe a reduction in the size of the tumour and in the pain syndrome.”




Order any FSC before midnight and receive a free pouch for your Kolzov plate!