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Contributes to the restoration of the functioning of the endocrine system. Helps to identify and release conscious and unconscious fears, including fears related to negative experiences from the past

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Promotes the prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases and infections. May accelerate the elimination of symptoms of upper and lower respiratory tract infections and disorders

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Up to 33 cm in circumference. Intended to be worn on the ankle. Promotes cleansing and harmonising all energy centres and subtle bodies (Aura). Creates protection from negative spiritual forces and from aggressive spiritual entities

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Contributes to the restoration of the functioning of the endocrine system. Helps to identify and release conscious and unconscious fears, including fears related to negative experiences from the past

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Initiates the body’s configuration processes for receiving high-frequency vibrations from FSCs. Amplifies, supplements and anchors the influence of any FSCs through co-tuning.

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FSC «The Source of Great Mountain» contributes to:
• Increasing the organism’s resistance to various harmful factors such as bad environmental conditions, physical and stress, radiation, bad ecology, antibiotics, chemotherapy and infections
• Cleansing and renewal of the body’s physiological systems, initiating self-regulating mechanisms
• Strengthening of the immunity and restoration of acid-base balance

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Order any FSC before midnight and receive a free pouch for your Kolzov plate!