Natural beauty with facial reflexology.
If you are looking for a natural beauty product to make the skin of your face and neck look younger, the PIOKAL® Bioenergy Face Mask is for you!
Traditional facial massage and creams are not sufficient because they only work on a physical level. A much more effective method of facial treatment is facial reflexology, a source of many benefits both for the face and the body.
The PIOKAL® bioenergy stimulators contained in the face mask insure the reflection and amplification of the body’s wave radiations, which are produced by the active points on the face. PIOKAL® technology is based on the restoration of information links, the normalisation of energy flow and self-regulatory processes in the body, resulting in rejuvenation not only on the surface of the face but also at a deep cellular level.
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Fixed points located on the face which are not physically connected to parts of the body, but which stimulate the parts of the brain that control the activity of the organs and limbs.
The aim of facial reflexology is to bring into play the processes that are responsible for a healthy body and a naturally beautiful face.
Since the face is very near the brain, highly vascularized, and equipped with many nerve endings, techniques of stimulation of facial reflex zones or points produce effective results in the treatment of many problems, making facial reflexology a means of achieving health, well-being and beauty.
The PIOKAL® Bioenergy Face Mask also works in this way, but instead of a massage or sustained pressure with the tips of the fingers on the energy points, it uses your own energy to stimulate the active points. It therefore works on several levels, physical as well as in terms of energy.
How does PIOKAL® technology work?
The PIOKAL® bioenergy stimulators contained in the face mask insure the reflection and amplification of the body’s wave radiations, which are produced by the active points on the face. PIOKAL® technology is based on the restoration of information links, the normalisation of energy flow and self-regulatory processes in the body, resulting in rejuvenation not only on the surface of the face but also at a deep cellular level.
At the cellular level, the bioenergy of the wave reflected by the stimulators restores the initial frequency of the cell: it regulates the lack of balance within the cell, allowing it to use more energy to improve its vital activity. As a result of this process, the cell starts to shed anything it does not need. It cleanses itself, thus becoming healthier.
A thermal effect is produced when energy is reflected, and under its influence the blood vessels of the skin and the subcutaneous cellular tissue widen and all the inactive capillaries open, so increasing the influx of blood to the skin.
What are the eventual benefits of the PIOKAL®
Face Mask?
- Withered skin becomes firmer as a result of cell rehydration;
- The complexion becomes brighter and more attractive;
- The skin looks fresh again and becomes smoother;
- The muscle tone of the face improves and the facial contours are more clearly defined.
The main advantage of the PIOKAL® Face Mask can be seen in its use of the energy potential each one of us has, a source of energy which is inexhaustible. Unlike all other cosmetic products, it is only necessary to buy a new one every 7 to 15 years, depending on how much it has been used.
The PIOKAL® Bioenergy Face Mask replaces ineffective and costly treatments.
What it does:
- It stimulates the cellular metabolism of the facial skin
- It helps the natural process of skin regeneration
- It soothes skin irritations
- It prevents dehydration of the skin by removing the discomfort that comes with dry skin.
Possible results from using the face mask:
- It makes the skin firmer and more supple
- It makes the complexion look good
- It purifies and tightens the skin’s pores
- It promotes skin hydration
- It makes the skin smoother and helps stop new wrinkles from forming
The PIOKAL® Bioenergy Face Mask is recommended for all skin types, and especially for the following:
- Dry, and in need of moisturising
- Sensitive, irritated
- Subject to wrinkles
- Damaged through excessive exposure to the sun
- Tired, withered, sagging
- Mature, suffering from the effects of old age
The PIOKAL® Bioenergy Face Mask can effectively complement the treatment of skin conditions. In stimulating the cellular metabolism, the PIOKAL® Face Mask regenerates and rehydrates the skin.
The PIOKAL® Bioenergy Face Mask effectively complements other treatments by improving the absorption of products into the skin and by increasing their therapeutic and cosmetic effects.
The PIOKAL® Face Mask is a bio-energetic informational product. It re-establishes a person’s energy field or aura, and in so doing restores the vital energy of the body.